Dear Committee Members,
Now that the Friends events for this term are complete I would to thank each and every one of you for the much valued the support you have given, both to me personally in my first year as Chairman and, to the many FOTM funding raising events we have held during this period.
Looking back over the past twelve months I cannot help but marvel at the variety of ways in which we have raised money to enhance our children’s enjoyment of Tockington Manor School. This term three events have already raised more than £1200. This stands testament to just how effective a group of parents and staff, having fun and pulling together, can be.Our most recent event was the Christmas Market which not only served as a fund raising opportunity but also a practical shopping and social occasion too. It was well attended by parents, children and local people too. Our stall holders were so thrilled with both the setting and their returns that we have already received provisional bookings for next year! I would like to thank everyone who helped make this event a resounding success. I would especially like to thank all the committee members who gave so freely of their time and extend my gratitude to OT Mum Sharon Lapworth for booking and co-ordinating the stall holders.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 18 January at 7.30pm in the Pavilion for the first Friends meeting of the New Year when our fun packed agenda includes the planning of our Spring event and our much anticipated event of the year, the Summer Ball.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Kind regards,
Anita Williamson
FOTM Chairman